Sylvester Stallone had Navy SEALs train his daughters before they moved to NYC
Feb 17, 2024
To live in the Big Apple, they had to train like Rambo.
Sylvester Stallone was so nervous about his daughters Sophia and Sistine living in NYC that he hired Navy SEALs to train them in self-defense — and even had them chase chickens Rocky-style.
“It was the hardest. It was about six hours we were in those woods,” Sistine, 25, told The Post ahead of Season 2 of “The Family Stallone,” which premieres on Feb. 21.
“Sophia and I got our asses whooped by these guys. They were the real deal,” she said.
Sistine, Scarlet, and Sophia Stallone sat down with The Post ahead of Season 2 of “The Family Stallone.”Brian Zak/NY Post
“And I’m not surprised my dad put us through something like this because our entire life we grew up with him doing these sort of military-esque, self-defense trainings.”